Why Cold Calling No Longer Exists

When recruitment companies first started and leads were found in newspapers and door knocking, most first conversations appeared ‘cold’. There was no easy way of researching individuals like we can today. With the developments in technology, the amount, and the depth of information you can find is unbelievable, giving you the opportunity to make your calls much more effective – banishing the phrase ‘cold calling’!

Work History

Look at where they’ve previously worked; are those companies’ clients? Have they recently joined a company we have worked with in the past? Do we work with their competitors or partners? Find a common ground and know your stuff!


So many professionals have started writing blogs. Look at topics they’ve covered, give complements, and show your enthusiasm. If they don’t post, what are they commenting on and participating with? This will make your call considerably more engaging, enabling you to build a strong rapport, making the call natural and less ‘pushy’.


Use email campaigns to build your brand and get people talking about you. If you have sent an email, it immediately makes your call warm. If you find a strong structure to write ‘cold’ emails, they can become extremely effective. Additionally, it gives your call a purpose, and if it’s your first time speaking with this company, you won’t seem as alien to them!

2nd Connections

Second connections can be used similarly to referrals, for example; “I noticed you are connected with X, I am keen to talk to you about how our company have worked with them and to see if there is any synergy between our organisation and yours.” The number of opportunities you have on LinkedIn is huge!

Company news

What is going on in their company? Look at their website; are they recruiting? What charitable activities have they been involved with? Have they attended any events? What awards have they secured? All these create talking points that will differentiate your call from your competitors. It demonstrates your interest in their company and will ultimately help you grow and develop relationships.

Use the tools you have to differentiate yourself and build stronger relationships.

Katrina Whitehead, Marketing & Operations Executive, Foundation Recruitment 

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