Creating a Winning CV

‘People make a first impression in less than five seconds’ – a phrase that you will have heard a number of times. So my question is; why do I find myself questioning the amount of time potential candidates spend writing their CVs?

Your CV is almost always used as an initial screening tool by either HR, line management or even the directors of a business. The quality of this document can either make or break your application and it is proven that a well written, precise document will aid your ability to secure a new position. I cannot stress this point enough, so throughout this blog, I will outline key factors that can hopefully aid the production of your next CV.

Getting your Grammar and Spelling Correct

A simple concept most people would think, however, over half the CVs we are sent contain either a grammatical or spelling error in the document. I have to admit,  this was myself included when applying for roles previously, but using spell-check or having a friend or family member proofread is crucial to avoid simple mistakes.

Facilities/ property management is a professional environment and most individuals speak with tenants, clients and other external stakeholders on a regular basis. In an age of email and text message, your written skills are a key factor in your ability to fulfil a role.

Ensure your CV is correct as it the first impression they see of your employment history/skills and also your written skills and attention to detail.

Highlighting your achievements

This is a key part of a CV that is often missed, especially in the facilities management field. All CV’s contain what an individual’s responsibilities have included, which is unarguably an important aspect of the document, however, some individuals don’t expand on what they have achieved within each role. You should highlight what you have done great in your career to demonstrate what your can bring to your new employer.

Our advice would be writing three clear points under each role as well as four points at the beginning of your CV regarding your most relevant achievement. Remember, a CV is a sales tool and you need to sell yourself to whoever is reviewing your application.

Be concise and effective

Your CV must be detailed and interesting, something that differentiates you from the rest of the applications. We provide tips on a daily basis regarding what you should include, however, we would always advise:

  • Listing your career in a reverse chronological order
  • Always provide the bigger picture going into detail about specific areas including facts and figures
  • Adopt a bullet point structure
  • Add a section about your hobbies

These points, as well as much more, can be found on our candidate advice page.


Lastly, the actual length of your CV is also an essential factor to consider – employers are busy and they receive numerous CVs for each role. If your CV is too long, employers may only read a short amount, meaning they may miss a crucial element of your skills required for the role – automatically dismissing the application. Our advice would be to use the strategies outlined in our CV advice document and keep it to two concise pages.

The points discussed are all important factors that will impact the success of an application. It is critical that you spend the time required on your CV to make a positive first impression to an employer.

If you have any questions or require further advice please get in touch!

Sebastian Osborne, Facilitites Management Consultant, Foundation Recruitment

DDI: 0161 694 9623 


Photography - Nick Harrison

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