The Importance of LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn is arguably the most important social media platform for B2B businesses – especially recruitment, as it’s swimming with potential clients and candidates. LinkedIn is a free marketing opportunity that all organisations have, enabling them to target audiences that are directly relevant to their market. LinkedIn is a great platform that allows organisations to expand their geographical reach to find new clients or talent where they currently may not be advertising.

LinkedIn Groups are a great tool which have numerous benefits, here are just a few;

They allow you to create a community. LinkedIn groups can build a strong network of connections that are influential, relevant and active in your industry. This will allow you to build your personal and company brand to become recognisable in your industry and highly respected and regarded. In the recruitment sector this is great opportunity to build strong rapport and stay at the front of mind for potential future candidates and offers a chance to get in front of passive candidates which job boards wouldn’t.

Generate quality warm leads. Creating a group and being active on it, encouraging conversation and engaging with comments will strengthen your connections, and will create leads that are a lot warmer than if you were to directly message or call them with no previous engagement. If you are writing and sharing content that is thought provoking and insightful, potential prospects could well become reactive business. See ‘Why Cold Calling No Longer Exists’ for more in-depth tips on how to generate leads and candidates through LinkedIn!

Establish your brand value and expertise. You can post relevant content, blogs and discussions to become a thought leader. Referring back to an earlier blog of mine ‘Successful Social Recruiting’, I discussed the amount of new business opportunities there are on LinkedIn, and creating and being involved in groups is a huge part of this! Growing your reach and building your brand on LinkedIn Groups is a great way to demonstrate your knowledge and passion, which is an opportunity not to be missed – especially in an industry as competitive as recruitment.

Solve problems through educated content. A lot of individuals may be apprehensive to share concepts, knowledge or content in fear their competitors steal their ideas, but sharing industry understanding demonstrates that you are an expert in the sector, filling potential prospects with confidence you are knowledgeable about the sector you work in.

Attract new candidates. Once you have grown your LinkedIn Groups they are a great, easy way to target a mass audience that are all relevant. You can attract passive candidates and potential clients by being active and engaging in groups. If you have made your content and comments relevant and appealing, you will be memorable and will generate interest to your profile and also your companies.

LinkedIn groups and company pages allow you to build your business brand and really establish the value your company can add to potential prospects. They can drive a considerable amount of relevant traffic to your website which ultimately will lead to increased sales. While it is important to create your own company page and groups, joining other groups that are pertinent to your industry also has many benefits!

  • If you are a member of a group that has members you wish to In Mail… You can! You are allowed to send 15 In Mails per month, free of charge to anyone who is a member of the same groups as you.
  • You are able to tap into specific new talent pools that are active in your sector which you may not have connected with otherwise, broadening your reach!
  • Any company events or announcements can be shared to individuals that are influential in your market.

Posting in groups and engaging in discussions will naturally drive interest to your profile, increasing awareness of your company. LinkedIn enables you to bring attention to an organisation though industry knowledge, content and news; which are an excellent way to influence positive feelings towards your business, which ultimately affects the decision making process when it comes to choosing a business to work with!

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Kat Whitehead, Marketing & Operations Exec, Foundation Recruitment

Foundation Recruitment staff portraits

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