Mental Health Awareness Week 2019

To support and champion Mental Health Awareness Week, Foundation Recruitment has a whole host of initiatives planned to ensure our team feel valued, stress-free and work in an environment that they enjoy and thrive within.

This week we are launching the Calm App into the business which will be available to all staff indefinitely. All the team will receive a free login to provide a platform which teaches meditation, assists in getting a night of more restful sleep, supports mindful movement and stretching, and gives access to exclusive music to help focus, relax and sleep.

Every week we provide a fruit basket to both offices. This is not only to improve physical health, but it is thought that fruit and vegetables increase mental well-being. Fresh fruit is thought to give natural sources of energy, motivation and vitality, so we want to ensure all employees have this readily available.

We are funding all employees to attend a fitness class of their choice this week to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Physical activity improves wellbeing in a number of ways: releasing endorphins, preventing anxiety, and improving self-esteem and control.

Our Operations Manager, Ghislaine West, is attending a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course to gain knowledge and confidence to support our team. From the course, Ghislaine will gain a better understanding of how to help build a mentally healthy workplace, challenge stigma and support positive wellbeing so we can further champion and support mental health within the team.

To allow further transparency and input from every team member moving forwards, we have given the employees the opportunity to pitch what benefits and rewards they would like us to implement. We have encouraged all staff to contribute to ensure the business is supporting exactly what will improve the team’s sense of value, happiness and mental health.

Mental Health Awareness week is a fantastic opportunity for businesses to share initiatives and place a real focus on developing and improving current strategies. The link between mental wellbeing and organisational success is enormous. We believe a team that has a wellness support system in place is happier, more productive and feels truly valued and supported by their employer.

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