New Year, New Market

In times of uncertainty, there is always scope for opportunity; it’s all about perspective.

Given the EU rollercoaster we are all strapped to this year, it’s no surprise that for some the future looks somewhat unclear. Whilst the natural response to this for many has been to sit tight and wait for the ride to slow and (hopefully!) come to a gentle end, others are forging ahead, developing new strategies to second guess the future “new norm”. Our discussions with clients – encouragingly for us all – suggest there is still plenty of optimism out there.

Whichever approach may prove to be right, change is certainly coming.

There has been plenty of advice circulated around this subject matter; making plans and running scenarios. Recruiting widely across European Real Estate means – like many of our clients – we have had to do the same. We chose to seek out specialists for each of the areas we needed to consider. There is always a certain piece of mind dealing with specialists.

Once you have finalised your post-Brexit plans you may find yourselves in need of specialist advice once again. If headcount growth or team enhancement is on the agenda maybe we can help. With decades of experience recruiting top quality real estate professionals during all sorts of economic conditions; and an ever-growing international, national and local networks of candidates, we are genuine specialists professionally delivering people solutions for a vast range of clients on a daily basis.

Our experience indicates that Recruitment isn’t always given the priority it should be. However, without the right people in your business, the strategy will struggle to leave the page its written on. We can help with that and I would be delighted to explain how.

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