Our Partnership with Mustard Tree

Our CSR focus is directed towards the UK wide issue of homelessness. Recently we worked with Mustard Tree, a charity we support that is working hard to tackle both the causes and consequences of poverty and homelessness across Greater Manchester.

The charity has recently launched a 5-week structured course called “The Workshop”, to support their clients in their journey to becoming work-ready. Given our extensive experience working in the employment arena, we volunteered to run a morning workshop to uncover skills, build confidence and work towards writing each individuals personal statement as part of their CV.

Volunteering to work with Mustard Tree continues to be a hugely rewarding and worthwhile experience. It was heartening to see that regardless of everyone’s personal situation, the room was full of determination and positivity. The participants have gone through (and some still experiencing) hard, struggling times and this programme is delivering a fantastic platform to gain structure and stability in their lives.

Some of the feedback we received was: “the workshop really improved my confidence”, “it made me feel worthwhile” and “the session helped me realise how much I have to offer”. The individuals we met and who shared their experiences with us were truly inspiring.

We are grateful for the opportunity to spend time and use our recruitment knowledge to support this enormously worthwhile charity.

In addition to the workshop session, our Manchester Director, Alex Rowbottom ran the Manchester Half Marathon on the 13th October and raised over £670 for the charity!

Alex said: “It was a really tough run (especially considering before this, I’d only ever ran 5km in my youth!!) but the whole reason why I was running got me through it.

I spent half a day with Mustard Tree before the run to help those in temporary accommodation gain confidence to find a job and uncover their skills. Hearing their stories was heartbreaking and made the run even more worthwhile!

Mustard Tree is an amazing business that really is moving mountains to support vulnerable people in Greater Manchester. If you can, I would highly encourage you to donate or volunteer your time to help them in their mission”

Julian Long, Founder Managing Director at Foundation Recruitment said:

“Supporting the Mustard Tree continues to be a very important commitment for our business. Manchester is a fantastic City but like many others, it has some serious homelessness issues. Being able to offer our support, time and knowledge to help people get back on their feet is a genuine pleasure. I am always delighted by the level of enthusiasm the team have for this commitment and would want to give a special mention to Alex Rowbottom for her Manchester Half Marathon achievement”

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