Recruitment Technology Trends

Technology is changing all aspects of life, especially how we communicate with people, so it is not surprising the recruitment process is having to adapt and change to successfully continue engaging with candidates and maintain their interest.

The recruitment sector is being transformed by a new workforce that embraces technical innovation. As the younger generations come through who have been brought up in a world of technology, they are quick to implement new developments in their lives to become the norm. No longer are people scrolling the yellow pages for job opportunities, posting their CV via the letterbox or hand delivering their application. The candidates of today are tech-savvy and in a lot of markets, the candidates are the ones controlling the job market – not the employer. A scary thought.

Effective recruiters are keeping up-to-date with the rapid changes and ever-advancing tech sector to transform their working practices, enabling them to continue to source, communicate and place the best talent in the market.

There are a lot of articles and talk about ‘social recruiting, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Xing are a mere few of the platforms available to attract talent and for candidates to browse the career market. This volume of platforms is delivering a whole host of challenges to employers. Where shall we be present? Which channel is the best for our market? How are we going to manage applications? What tone do we take on these platforms? The list goes on. The same is for job boards, there is a growing volume of job boards to advertise on and choosing which is best for your business can feel like an overwhelming task!

It’s not just social media – that almost seems old news now. We have got data analytics, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, live video, the technological trends and new innovations don’t seem to be slowing! Recruiters need to take advantage but also be selective about which innovations they use in order to attract the top talent and still work effectively.

Google jobs are the latest innovation sweeping the industry. Recruiters need to be alive to this development and make sure they understand how they can be present on Googles listings, after all, Google seems to rule the internet… will the same happen for job searching?

Skypes and live video have delivered an excellent solution to sourcing candidates in various locations quickly and effectively. Skype is a fantastic way to go one step further than a telephone conversation and eliminates the travel cost for something that is ultimately, a risk.

The internet has really enhanced the ease of application. Candidates can save their CV on their phone and on various accounts and platforms, allowing them to scroll through jobs and quickly ping their application out to as many as they deem relevant in a matter of clicks. Now, this is great for candidates, however, this could result in a high volume of applications which requires dedicated time to filter and refine into a shortlist!

Recruiters need to embrace technology and we at Foundation are proud of the amount of modern technology we have invested in and immersed into our business allowing us to access a much wider pool of quality talent, quickly search our database and ultimately, work smarter. This all said, we are a people based industry and we thrive off communicating and building relationships with our clients and candidates – so, utilise technology and reap the benefits – but don’t hide behind it!

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